Select Page


WordPress database error: [Table 'adding_b51201.wp_SBConfiguration' doesn't exist]
select * from wp_SBConfiguration where id='1'

Click on the links below to access the training. Once you are inside each module you will see other links there. Complete each part of the module in the order they are presented so that you get the full benefit of the training. The site is set up so that you can’t jump ahead. There is a reason for this. The training is designed in an easy step by step logical way so that you will learn in the way that your brain is designed to absorb new information.

After you first access a module there will be a 4 day period in which we encourage you to test and practise your new skills and to notice how much better your relationships are getting. At the end of the 4 day period you will receive an email giving you the link to the next step in the training….