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module 2.3

As an exercise, think about times when you have had the feeling of rapport. As you recall such times, what was different?

Click on the video here to see and listen how the following processes works.

The following are a series of exercises to enable you to enhance your rapport skills:

Process: Get into groups of three. One person states a simple sentence such as “Rapport is the key to good communication.” A second person restates this sentence trying to get the exact tone, speed, loudness, and emphasis as the original. The third person listens and gives the second person feedback on what they need to change to make their voice sound exactly like the original. The first person repeats the same sentence, and their partner again tries to create an identical statement. After three or four times, depending on the observer’s comments, change positions, so that each person will eventually have a turn in each role.

When you do these excercises with your friends, colleagues or other people, which one was easiest to achieve? What was the feeling of rapport like?