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Module 5.1

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So what’s going on here. Brent’s favourite sensory system is visual, and Jill’s is kinaesthetic.

Basically, these two people may well both be committed to their job, but they have very different styles, and they talk different languages. They need a translator. Luckily, if they come to talk with me, I know both languages. Now Jill can’t see why Brent gets so upset about the mess in the office. Virginia Satir, one of the expert change agents studied by the developers of NLP, had an answer to that. She would say “Imagine you and your spouse or partner were in bed and they were eating potato crisps in there, so the crumbs got all through the bed. You know what that would feel like? That’s what it feels like to Brent when he walks into a messy room.” Then Jill would say “Oh yeah; now I’ve got a handle on it!” And Virginia would say to Brent “You know what it’s like for Jill when you rush in and want to talk about your vision of the future. When you flash in front of her that fast, she can’t get things into focus, and all she sees is a blur!” So Brent would go “Wow; that’s a new perspective!”

Here’s another example. In the video, sitting in the chairs now we have Lucy and Gary, who’ve been married for ten years and have started to feel like there are cracks in their relationship.