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Module 7.1

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The biggest problem with win-lose methods is that the fight isn’t over when you finish talking. To keep your solution, you need to use power. The words “Power” and “Authority” have been given several different meanings in different situations, and it’s useful to clarify the way we’re using those words here, which is the way they have been used in Psychology research. In this course the following meanings will be used:


  1. Influence based on Respect (as in, “She’s an authority on this”)
  2. Influence based on Designated Job (as in “That decision’s under his authority”)
  3. Coercive force or Power. The ability to force someone else to do something against their will (as in “He throws his authority around”)

The use of power, in this sense, is based on the ability to help people meet their needs and goals (reward them) or not meet their needs and goals (punish them). Some power exists in every relationship. Problems don’t result from it existing; they result from someone being willing to use it. You and I each have power here and now. Each of us could embarrass or flatter the other, for example. A problem occurs if one of us uses that ability to force the other to do something we didn’t want to.

In the audio at this point there’s an exercise where you can gather information about the results of using that kind of power.

When you listen to the audio on this page,

do not drive a car or operate machinery.

After you listened to this exercise, write down in your manual the feelings and actions that were the effects of power. You could list them under Fight (argue etc), Flight (withdrawal etc)and Submit (shut down and obey etc).