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Do You Make These Common Mistakes In Your Relationships ?

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Which of
These Common Mistakes Do You
Make In Your Relationships ?

Why Just About Everything You’ve Ever Been Told About You Should Relate To Others Is Probably

And Why You Can’t Afford To Not Create Win-Win… In Your Family, In Your Business
…And In Your Relationships

The disturbing report that will change everything you’ve ever been told about winning…

Why you will be healthier, wealthier, happier and less stressed by co-operating.

And Why You Must Create Win-Win…

By Mike Noone and Evelyne Draper,

Wellington, New Zealand



What if you discovered the single, most important skill that helps people achieve success in their personal
relationships, family life, business or employment?

What if that one skill also eliminated 90% of the conflict, misunderstandings and stress that you’re
going through right now? And what if you can not only discover this skill in the next few minutes,
but also begin putting it to work to create the relationships that will make all the difference in your

Dear Friend,
Evelyne Draper and Mike Noone have uncovered that skill and inside this report
you’ll learn how to unlock and apply it in your life.

If I was to ask you:

“What is the most important factor in creating happiness and success in any area
of your life?”

How would you answer?

Your talent?

Your skills?

Your strengths?

Your experience?

Your commitment level?

Your persistence?

What if I told you that it is none of those things? What if I told you that all these above have got
nothing to do with happiness and success?

While these are all important, these qualities are almost never the deciding factor.


Because these traits only add to the potential for your success.

They don’t guarantee your success and happiness.

As you look around you, you will see millions of people who have most of the traits above and
yet they are miserable and unfulfilled.
And there are millions of others who have all of these qualities but are still frustrated in their
search for happiness.
The point is that your potential for your success and happiness…and the actual results you get…
are really two different things.

These qualities don’t guarantee you get what you want. These qualities won’t give
you the joy and delight you really deserve.

Ask yourself this: Are the levels of success and happiness that you’ve currently got in your life
equal to what you really want? Do you believe that your current levels of satisfaction and harmony
are all you ever want?

If you can say yes to these questions, with your hand on your heart, then you’ve already got
everything that you ever could have. Please stop reading this report right now. There’s nothing here
for you.

But if you’re like most people… if your answer to any of these questions is “no”… if you know that
you’ve only achieved a small percentage of the happiness you want …if you know there is so much
more you can do with your life — then this report is going to be a god-send to you.

Because by the time you’ve finished reading, I’m going to give you an “ah-ha” moment that will
make it clear why your life isn’t everything it can be — and that will eliminate every road block
that’s in your way.

In a blinding flash of insight, you’re going to understand the ‘why’ behind every heartache you’ve
ever experienced.

You’re going to understand exactly why happiness eludes you.

And you will have taken that first giant leap to opening the floodgates of love, trust and
satisfaction while others around you still struggle.

While they carry on fighting against their own limiting beliefs, this simple revelation will empower
you to sky-rocket your satisfaction levels into the stratosphere as if those limitations — visible or
otherwise — no longer exist for you.

Specifically, I’m going to show you one simple change in how you think about and experience your
life that will crush every barrier that is holding you back — and how that change will bring more
happiness and satisfaction for you.

Because this change is going to take place inside of you, in your mind, there will be no effort

You’re going to “get it” in seconds. It will eliminate your frustration and confusion and cause you to
fall madly in love with your life all over again. It’s going to bring you more happiness,harmony,
success and wealth, faster and with less effort than you now believe to be possible.

I know — you’re skeptical. You’ve heard thousands of big promises from life coaches, counselors,
therapists and gurus over the years. And you know, first hand, that most of them failed to deliver
the goods.


And why you may not want to hear this….

Because you don’t think you have to do anything…You have been led to believe that “The secrets”
that get punted around the net will somehow mysteriously make everything bad go away.

They won’t.
There is No tooth fairy, Santa Claus is made up and you’re in this world on your own.It’s up to you
to decide right now whether you’re going to carry on being duped by snake oil sales men (and women)
Or you can decide to take back control of your life, your destiny  and your relationships.
Right now. I want you to be independent. I do not want to have you calling me every time you have
a problem !!

This is contrary to everything you’ve learned. You have been trained to be placid, dependent and
compliant. Because that way the “GURUS” can have their hand on your wallet forever. They want
to keep you hooked just like a crack dealer at the school gate.
My ambition is to make myself, my service and all of the other therapists utterly redundant.

Sure you’re probably sceptical about what I teach

…You don’t know me yet.

That’s great. Skepticism is a definite sign of an intelligent mind.But please hear me out before you
decide. If I deliver on even one tenth of my promise to you, the time you spend reading this report
will be the best investment you’ve ever made.

And all the benefits are going to flow to you not just for today, or tomorrow, or next week; but for
a life time.

So, if you’re ready to radically change your life and satisfaction levels for the better, please
read on. There’s no time to waste. Let’s jump right in…

Now let me ask you this:

Maybe You’ve Wondered Why You’re Not As Happy As Some of the
Other People You See Around

Has your frustration level reached high enough levels to begin doubting whether or not there’s
something wrong with you?

Have you ever asked yourself, your partner, or a close friend…

…why am I not happier?

…What am I doing wrong?

…What’s wrong with me?

…Will I ever be satisfied?

And do you find yourself wondering…

Why Has Getting Satisfaction And Joy Become So Hard?

Frankly, if you’ve ever asked yourself any of these nagging questions, you are NOT alone!

My inbox is flooded every day of the week with emails from people just like you struggling to keep
their chin up while trying to build successful relationships.

They’re confused, depressed, frustrated and anxious because they don’t understand why all the
things they want for their life has suddenly become so complicated.

How about you? You’re doing everything by the book; applying “proven systems” that the experts
guarantee will create the life you want and you’re doing it every day.

You spend your time trying to generate trust and esteem in your life. Your day is a series of
frustrations and aggravations.

It feels like a giant game of whack-a-mole just when you solve one problem, two or three even more
stubborn challenges pop up.

And yet you’re plagued by the knowledge that while you continue knocking your head on one invisible
ceiling after another, other people are rapidly getting what they desire from life so much more
effortlessly… so much more quickly… and so much more easily… than you are.

I’m talking about people who don’t know a fraction of what you do… Who have no idea what it’s like
to be as dedicated for as long as you have… who have never given up as much, in their quest for
happiness as you have…

Until a few years ago I knew I didn’t have the answer for you….or for all the other people .
I did my best but deep down inside, I feared there was something missing. And that something was a
set of guidelines you can take with you wherever your life takes you. A formula for better relationships.

But as I dug in, I quickly realised that creating such a road map is a tall, tall order. And finding
the answer took me much more time, research and effort than anything I’ve done before.

But now, after 2 long years, I can honestly say that I’ve found the answer for you. And because it’s
already helped so many people offline — and also because nobody else is teaching this online — I have
opened a special coaching program — I was going to call it my Relationship Repair and
Revitalise System, RRRS for short (Kinda catchy don’t you think ?) — I have since decided
that rather than describe what the system does it is better to tell you up front what’s at it’s core.

There are more than enough “magic bullet” sales people out there already.

Because I believe you deserve respect I’m not going to promise instant “just add water” type miracles.
You are of course always welcome to try these instant fixes…But you know you’re just fooling yourself.

You probably realise that it took time to develop the habits that you have now in the way that you communicate.
AND that’s all they are. Habits. You also know that bad habits can be unlearned and

Do you know the really crazy thing ?

You already have all of the skills that you need to get what you want from your relationships. It’s
just that you don’t always know when to use which skill.

In a moment I’ll tell you more about Transforming Communication and why it’s by far the most
valuable tool ever developed for people just like you. You get to use the answers I found and use
every day, to accelerate your harmony and multiply your happiness.

First, though, let’s take a good, hard look at the impact that not realising your full capability
for happiness and satisfaction is having in your life right now.


Yep It sounds Kind of corny

All of the greatest things we’ve done as a species since we first climbed down from the trees, way

back in the primordial mists of time have been based on one thing, and one thing only !!

Took us from this

To This



And no the world we live in is not perfect yet and probably never will be.
But cooperation allows us
to do things that our ancient ancestors would consider to be magic

Cooperation, in turn, relies on communication. But not just any form of communication.When you
were growing up, you were probably taught that there are winners and losers. Nothing in between.

Just having those beliefs drummed into you, from every angle, teachers, parents, friends, relatives,
polarised your mind.

Your world became divided into good and evil, ugly and beautiful, black and white, communist
and capitalist. What you were never taught is that all of these different view points are culturally
induced ideas or beliefs and are not necessarily one hundred percent true.

The other thing you were taught is that

there’s not enough to go round.

Not enough money,

not enough love,

not enough food,

not enough space.

What this did was create an “us and them” mentality that was used to divide and rule and scarcity.

Looking back in history, the production of food, housing, road and transport systems was largely
powered by muscle.

Communication skills we’re still using now are based on stone age beliefs on how the world is. It’s
wired into your brain. With modern factory farming and industrialised production of goods we enjoy a
lifestyle our great-grandparents only dreamed of. We no longer have to struggle to grow crops. We
simply go to the supermarket or the store. We exchange paper for goods, not the sweat of our brow.

The media bombards us with bad news, potential problems and conflicts every day. This just
reinforces the lack or scarcity mentality you’re brought up with. Because of this lack mentality you’re
led to believe that only one person can win. And if you don’t win, you’ve lost. This has led to a
one-upmanship culture of not only keeping up with the Joneses but also outdoing them.

This top-dog thinking has also led to the belief there also has to be an under-dog. For the under-dog,
this leads to a loss of face or perceived social position. They feel they are invalid and don’t count.
This in turn leads to anger, resentment, stress, frustration and general unhappiness. They just don’t
understand why they can’t get ahead.

This mindset of resentment leads to problems with family, relationships and the whole structure of

In these uncertain times you may have noticed an increase in violence and aggression.

Lets look at some hard scientific data here… because at the end of the day you have
a stark choice.

Here’s a report that Evelyne wrote detailing your options.

Which gets you the best results ? Competition or Co-operation in Your Relationships?

We live in a world with more and more conflict. On a global scale, we have wars, we have trade
embargoes, we have threats of war… On a national and community level, we have political unrest
and dissatisfaction, we have increasing crime… On an individual level, we have conflicts in families,
in the neighborhood, at school, at work with your co-workers and perhaps management.

And it is on this level that this report is directed. Because if we want to change how we deal with
problems globally, we first need to change how we deal with our everyday issues and problems. Conflicts
arise everywhere, it’s been hard-wired into our brains.

And these conflicts can make you feel miserable, hurt, angry, resentful…

Take your personal relationship with your spouse or girl/boy friend for example. Do you have
arguments and disagreements sometimes? Do they leave you frustrated and misunderstood? Angry and
resentful ? And perhaps guilty if you won the argument ? It happens to most couples. Because they don’t
know how to resolve their conflicts in such a way that both feel good about the results. The same with
your children, in your work place, even with friends.

We need to win, and we have been brought up with the belief that only one of us can win, and the
other will lose. And of course the person that needs to win is you.

Here, I want to show you some of the consequences of a win-lose situation.

Before that, though, you want to get clear on what these terms mean in this context.

Getting clear on what we mean is an important first step to understanding what you can do in
specific situations.

Conflict in this report means that you’re in a situation where you believe that what the other
person does will make it difficult for you to get what you want and need. The other person may or may
not be aware of how you feel. It could also be the other way round and you’re not aware that the other
person is not happy about something you do or say.

How will you solve this conflict? You could solve it with a win-lose method where one of you,
preferably you, will feel satisfied and get what you want and need, while the other person is not very
happy with the outcome because they did not get what they wanted or needed. I’m sure you’ve been in
such a situation. How did you feel?

A little resentful? Very angry? Frustrated and misunderstood? I bet…!

Say for example, you and your friend both want the last orange in the fruit bowl. This would be
a conflict. Now, with a win-lose approach, one of you will get the orange, and the other won’t.
You could also arrange a compromise or lose-lose with the other person where both of you lose a
little and won’t get everything you need. In my example of the orange, both of you could arrange to
cut the orange in half so that each will get half. And both of you will lose a little in this process.

Or, you could discuss how you can get a win-win solution so that both of you feel satisfied that you
fully get what you need. There are gazillions of solutions you can create, once you know what each of
you really need. Say in our orange example, you need the orange rind to grate into the cake mix while
your friend wants to drink the juice. So, one solution would be that you get the rind and your friend
the juice – from the whole of the orange!

No compromise, nobody won while the other lost. The important thing to notice here is that you needed
to find from both or you what the actual need was for the orange. Only then can you both brainstorm for
a solution that satisfies both.

There are a couple of other terms we need to get clear on.

Power is one of them. Power in this context means the ability to permit the other person to get some
of what they need or want (in other words, you reward them), or it means the ability to prevent them
from getting some or all of what they need or want (and so you would punish them). Now, power exists in
all of our relationships. There are always situations where I could help you get something you want or
need, and you can also help me get what I need. That’s not the problem. A problem with power arises
when people choose to use it when there’s a conflict and they use it as part of a win-lose or lose-lose
method to resolve that conflict. In other words, when somebody uses power to prevent you from getting
some or all of what you want or need.

The thing about using power in such a way is that you reward or punish the other person to make sure
they do what you want them to do. You make sure that they “obey”, although they might not want to. This
use of power is a necessary ingredient when you want to enforce a win-lose conflict resolution. When
you both agree to a balanced use of power, you will have a compromise where both of you lose a little.
The thing here is, that both solutions leave the loser not 100% satisfied with the outcome. You may
feel resentful, or even angry. Or you may feel frustrated because you couldn’t get the other person to
understand your needs, and see your view point. Or, you just feel powerless to change anything.

And the winner is…?

The chances are high that the winner doesn’t feel quite so good either. Granted, they won, they got
what they wanted but they had to use power to get it. And unless that person is completely
unscrupulous, they will probably feel a little guilty. Or a lot guilty. Solving a conflict with win-win
in mind can sometimes happen so easily that neither of you are really aware that there was a conflict
in the first place. I don’t think you would have called the

“orange example” above a conflict, because the solution is just common sense, isn’t it?

The principle of win-win is basically the same though, whether you have an “orange situation” or a
full-blown conflict or disagreement. And the 4 steps you go through to resolve your differences

1. You identify what each of you want

2. Then you identify the higher level of what you want. That means that you find out what you

would need it for. And what you would get when you have what you want

3. You then agree with each other that you want to solve this so that both of you feel

4. And finally, you brainstorm for solutions together.

In our online communication skills course, we go into much more detail on exactly how you can put
this into practice. For now, though, we want to clarify the consequences of not using a win-win method
to solve conflicts. Because a world filled with loneliness, anxiety and frustration needs more
co-operation, more love and more happiness. Any area in your life, from bringing up children to dealing
with co-workers and management to living together with your partner to socialising with your friends
and relatives…every area will benefit from win-win thinking, as we shall see.

Because for a win-lose situation to be successful, one person has to be obedient.

Now, you may say that being obedient is a virtue, especially in children.

Research carried out over the last 40 or so years clearly shows, however, that obedience
explains many of the problems we have in society.

Thomas Gordon reported in 1989 for example that the cult of obedience resulted in the inability
of children to challenge sexual abuse (Gordon, 1989).

The Tavistock Institute in the UK studied the health data of 10,000 British civil servants over 20 years and found
that the early mortality rate of clerical workers was 3.5 times higher than that of senior administrators. That means
that the higher a person’s status in the organization, the less likely they were to die early. And it wasn’t because of
income because all the people studied earned good money. They found that people who are exposed to
unpredictable demands they couldn’t control, who couldn’t freely respond to these demands, and who had to work
below of what they were capable of, showed higher rates of illness and early death (Aldridge, 1997).

An even more “deadly” problem was found after an experiment was conducted by Yale University in the
1960s (Gordon, 1989). Ostensibly, the experiment was about how people learn. So,a“learner” was strapped
into a chair, and whenever he gave a wrong answer in his learning task, a subject volunteer was told to
administer increasingly severe electric shocks. What the subject didn’t know was that the “learner” was
an actor. He didn’t receive any shock at all but convincingly acted as if he did. He pleaded to stop the experiment,
then screamed, and finally collapsed as if dead.

The real aim of the experiment was to find out how many people would obey the experimenter in his white coat
as he calmly told the subject to torture and kill another human being.

And the subject was never threatened but was even offered more money if he was reluctant to carry out
the task. The result was that, no matter whether the subjects were male or female or came from
different cultural background, over 60% of subjects would kill the person. Admittedly, they did tell
the experimenter to stop the experiment. They showed many signs of distress, they groaned, they
trembled, they stuttered or laughed nervously… and went right ahead and obeyed until the person was

What does this mean?

It means that 60% of us would obey an authority, especially a scientist or doctor in a white coat,
even if it meant to kill somebody. We are afraid of punishment if we don’t obey. And this obedience
will eventually cause us illness and early death, as the previous study with clerical workers
indicated. The irony is that obedience not just kills the experimental “learner”, it also kills the
subject in the long run.

What’s more, when somebody uses power in a win-lose situation, they will resort to reward and
punishment. If you don’t obey me, I punish you. Now, punishment is again not such a good thing.
Evidence from research of punishing children, for example, shows clearly that when children received
high levels of punishment, they are 4 times more likely to beat their spouse as adults. Boys showed
stronger tendencies for suicide, self-punishment and accident-proneness in later life. And children
who’s parents used more punishment and less reasoning have lower self-esteem. As adults, they have more
difficulties in relating with others, they are more anxious, and feel more guilt and unhappiness (Gordon, 1989).

And there is more…

Other research found that children who had more authoritarian parents had poor self-control, were
more withdrawn, and showed less evidence of “conscience”. Already back in the 1950s, B.F. Skinner
demonstrated in his research that these results were consistent in humans and animals. He found that
“…punishment is ineffective unless applied immediately every time… and the punished behavior always
comes back, along with such additional behavior as attempts to escape, or to evade punishment, or to
retaliate…” (Platt, 1973).

He says that this is why windows are broken in schools and not in drugstores.

Skinner also found that the punished animal or child loses its creativity and confidence, it cowers,
or else the child becomes defiant. What’s more, he found that the punished child acquires long lasting
anxiety and guilt feelings. Of course, you may now object and say that the opposite isn’t quite what
the doctor ordered either. The way that children are let loose with no guidelines or rules is not
satisfactory either. And yes, I agree, and I would add that if you take the win-win method and teach
your child that there are solutions other than win-lose with punishment or rewards, your conflicts will
be resolved without the subsequence problematic behaviors.

There’s a lovely story my trainer and mentor, Dr. Richard Bolstad, is fond of telling:

When Richard and his late partner Margot were first friends, and lived in separate houses, each of them
was a single parent. One night, Richard was visiting Margot, and it was later than the normal bedtime for his
6 year old son Francis had arranged (they’d arranged this using the win-win method.)

Francis liked to be read a short story to help him relax at bedtime;Richard didn’t want to be reading or
entertaining him after 8 o’clock. Having a regular 8 o’clock bedtime suited them both).

On this occasion, Richard had chosen to visit Margot, and planned to talk with her.
He figured he’d be willing for Francis to stay up later this one night, so he suggested Francis watch TV while
Margot and Richard talked.

Unfortunately, Francis seemed to want to climb over Richard as the two talked (being climbed on is an
occupational hazard of early parenthood).
Richard explained, “You can go and sleep in Margot’s spare bed, or you can watch TV, but I’m trying to
listen here and I can’t do it when you climb over me.”

“Well,” Francis said, “I’d really like to sort this out so we both get what we want.”

Now, Richard had been all set to order him out of the room (after all, there are some times when
maybe you have to use power, he figured). But this statement of Francis’ really hooked him. This was a
bit embarrassing, in front of Margot, but Richard knew
there weren’t any other solutions so he told Francis, “Yeah, I like to sort things out that way too, usually,
but there isn’t any other way this

“Well, I’d like us each to say what the problem is”, Francis suggested.

“Okay”, Richard agreed, thinking he’d quickly prove to Francis that the win-win method couldn’t
work, and get back to talking with Margot. “My problem is I want to be able to talk with Margot, and
yours is you want to play with me. Right?”

“No,” Francis replied, “I’m really tired. I’d like to go to sleep but I don’t want to sleep in the
spare bed because it’s a strange room and it scares me. And I don’t want to watch TV, either.”

This was a surprise to Richard. “Fair enough,” he countered, “but even so, we still can’t solve it.
Either you watch TV
or sleep in there.”

“Do you have any other ideas for solutions?” Francis asked.

“No”, Richard replied, annoyed at such a silly question.

“Well, I have a few”, Francis offered, and then listed five possible solutions, each of which
would solve both their concerns.

Richard was more than a little surprised. “Okay, do any of those”, Richard agreed.

“Well, I think we should check which one will work best”, Francis suggested. So they did.

The solution they chose was for Francis to wrap up in a blanket and lie down on the floor by Richard’s feet.
In five minutes he was asleep, safe and rested; therefore, perfectly meeting his need and Richard’s.

Naturally, the next day Richard checked how the arrangement went.

“Well I guess I solved that problem last night pretty well, eh Francis?”

There was an amused smile.

This story demonstrates that even when we think there’s no way we can use a win-win method to
solve a problem, such situations are actually rarer than we think.

Even children can teach us something some times.

Now, as we have seen earlier on, punishment may not be such a great idea. It causes all sorts of
emotional distress in the person being punished. When you consider the person that punishes and
controls, they suffer emotional damage too. Because when you’re solving a problem or conflict with a
win-lose method, when you use punishment to control the situation, you can never relax. You have to
keep an eye out at all times. Controlling others backfires. And it takes a lot of time and energy to
resolve conflicts because you have to overcome all the resistance of the other person.

Perhaps, then, we should resort to rewarding people for good behaviour?

That would make sense, wouldn’t it…?

Can you remember as a child being threatened with missing a fun day out if you didn’t behave?

You probably didn’t think that there was a great difference between reward and punishment. In fact,
there is no difference. Research again shows that parents, and teachers too, who use a lot of
punishment also use a lot of rewards (Kohn, 1993). So, you see that reward and punishment are just two
sides of the same coin of using power.

Furthermore, there’s an increasing amount of research evidence that people resent rewards.
Relationships are damaged, people don’t take any risks and results are reduced. For example, when
children get rewarded for correct answers, they will be less able to find the answers. And as their
focus shifts from the task to the reward, they will enjoy doing it less and less (Kohn, 1993). Numerous
studies show that when adults get rewarded for problem solving, they will take twice as long to solve
problems than those who are simply asked to do it, with no reward offered. And surprisingly, they
indicate that workplace incentive schemes, where people get rewarded for good work, do not actually
improve overall productivity, staff retention and absenteeism (Kohn, 1993).

So, why then do we still try to solve conflicts, disagreements and arguments this way? Why do we
still reward for good behaviour and punish bad behaviour when we know that they damage our
relationships and emotional well-being?

The answer lies in our belief, in the whole of western culture, that if one person
succeeds, the other one must fail. We call this notion competition. We believe that we will work better
when we’re trying to beat the other than when we’re working with them.

But is it really true that we need to be competitive in order to be successful? Apparently not, as a
large group of business people, scientists, students and airline pilots show in another research study.
In every case, the study indicated that competitiveness is negatively related to achievement (Kohn,

This of course means that cooperation and win-win thinking are very successful. In fact, the president of the
Volvo corporation, Pehr Gyllenhammar, reported that when their managers started to use win-win conflict resolution,
absenteeism dropped by half, staff turnover was cut to 25% and the quality of production improved (Gordon, 1978).

And if you’re a parent, consider this: In the 1980s, Boston University found that when parents get
trained in win-win conflict resolution, they start to understand their children better. As a
consequence,they respect them much more and feel good about them. The children, in turn, have more
self-esteem and feel their parents accept them much more for who they are (Cedar, 1985).

They also have much higher IQ results. Compare this to children whose parents give
in to them: their IQ results remain static. And they actually drop when parents are authoritarian
(Baldwin, Kalhoun and Breese, 1945).

Every where you look, in every area of your life you have relationships with others, you can see
that the major reasons for stress and distress involve some form of excessive power. One person in a
relationship has more power than the other and uses it to reward or punish.

How would it be if we as a species, as individuals, as a community and society, started thinking
more in terms of win-win and cooperation, and not competition? Wouldn’t we feel more in control if we
didn’t have to control the other?

Wouldn’t you feel more relaxed, less stressed? Wouldn’t you respect the other much more because you
now understand where they are coming from? And, in turn, wouldn’t you feel more respected by the other?
You can build trust and understanding. And ultimately, you will have more love and happiness in your

And imagine, you could take it out into your community. And people will get what they want and also
want what they get. And people will like you more because not only do you create an atmosphere of trust
and respect, you can also state your needs and listen to the other’s needs, and then find a solution
together that works for both of you.

You don’t have to give up a little, you don’t need to be worried about punishment.


Maybe. But I’ll let you decide, now, whether or not it’s a cause to be pursued. It doesn’t take a
lot of effort, it just takes a little shift in our thinking. Wouldn’t this be worthwhile? To feel
trusted and respected, valued for who and what you are… without fear or favour.

To enjoy a life with more cooperation and less conflict. To have greater life expectancy and a
better quality of life. To finally have the means to reach our full potential as a species. To know
that you and your children and your children’s children, all can finally claim our rightful inheritance is,
in our opinion, one of the most noble destinies we can pursue.

The next move is yours….!

Only you can decide the future of your family, your friendships and other relationships. Only you
can decide whether or not the quality of your life is important enough to do something positive, NOW…
for you, your family and the rest of humanity.

Evelyne Draper

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We are so confident about the results that you will get when you apply what you learn that we’re offering a
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References used in the report:

Aldridge, D. “Why are some people healthy and others not? The determinants of health of Populations”
in Advances: The Journal Of Mind Body Health, Vol 13, No 4, Fall 1997

Cedar, R. A Meta-analysis of the Parent Effectiveness Training Outcome Research Literature, Ed D.
Dissertations, Boston University, 1985

Baldwin, A., Kalhoun, J., and Breese, F., “Patterns of Parent Behaviour” inPsychological Monographs,
1945, 58 (3)

Gordon, T. Leader Effectiveness Training, Peter H. Wyden, New York, 1978 Gordon, T. Teaching
Children Self Discipline At Home And At School, Random House, New York, 1989

Kohn, A. Punished By Rewards, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1993 Platt, J. “The Skinnerian Revolution”
in Wheeler, H. ed, Beyond The Punitive Society, W. H. Freeman & Co., San Fransisco,